Vegetables to Compliment Hereford beef
We had a wonder around the Malvern Autumn Show last weekend. The weather was beautiful and there was an abundance of beautiful vegetables that were incredibly impressive to look at. Here at Hereford Beef we pride ourselves on the quality of the meat, which is grass fed rather than fed on grains. The quality speaks for itself and this quality is also found in the vegetables that are lovingly grown in the gardens and the fields of many of our customers.
We thought we’d try to encourage all of our Hereford Beef fans to try and grow their own vegetables. The results will be delicious and the favours you’re able to achieve with your green fingers will result in a meal that is second to none. Just take a look at some of these beautiful veg that we spotted at the Three Counties Showground.
All of those vegetables would make the perfect Hereford Beef casserole! There are plenty of excellent tips for new gardeners over on the Gardeners World website. One of the first jobs you can begin with is planting your broad beans now so you’ll be able to harvest your first crop in May or June of next year.
Do you already grow your own vegetables to use in your own kitchen? If you have a favourite beef and own grown recipe we’d love to hear it. Come and share your pictures with us or tag @HerefordBeefUK in your photos on Instagram.