It’s this time of year when everyone begins to think about working out. It won’t be long before the weather is pleasant enough for shorts, crop tops and summer dresses. Many of us will be heading for the beach too, which means swimming trunks, costumes and bikinis. That’s why we’re now focusing on watching what we eat and toning up our muscles, to give us a bit more confidence when stepping out with more skin on show than usual.
If you are ready to work off all the excess weight gained throughout Easter you may be planning on eating plenty of salads, but the good news is there is still room in your diet for Hereford Beef. Hereford Beef is a great source of protein so you can happily add it to your lean beef recipes and eat it knowing that you’re adding to your healthy eating and fitness routine. But why is protein so essential when getting in shape?
- Protein makes you feel fuller quicker, stopping you from overeating
- Proteins helps you to burn off those calories quicker during your workouts
- Protein is required to build muscle, helping you to reach that perfect toned look you’re after
If you’re looking for some great recipes to add to your healthy diet visit our Hereford beef recipe page. Choose lean cuts of Hereford beef, which are not only rich in protein they’re also bursting with anti-oxidants for healthy hearts too.